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Monday, August 10, 2015

Make a change! Look and FEEL better!

A few things have changed for me since December...I've lost weight, I'm building muscle, I'm feeling great, my anxiety is much more manageable. *I also dyed my hair brown smile emoticon *
I've also had a lot of mental changes happening. I have often struggled with brain fog, some due to mom brain, but also as a symptom of my fibromyalgia. Eating clean, drinking Shakeology, and regular exercise has made a HUGE difference in my mental clarity!
I've also started "coaching" others as a Beachbody coach. Aside from parenting, of course, I've never had a job that was SO fulfilling. It feels amazing to help others achieve their goals, build confidence, and feel better overall! I love this journey that I'm on and I'd love to help YOU get started on a path to better health. Please message me for info!!


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